Friday, 29 April 2016

Characters and Behaviors

I've implemented a sort of hybrid RagDoll-Meets-BoneAnimated-GPU-Skinned-Mesh based on two Controllers who target the same Skeleton - AnimationController and RagDoll are both optional sub-components of the AnimationComponent we can glue to any Entity.

The time came to think about other kinds of Controllers - a base CharacterController (implements enough physics to stop characters from getting stuck, etc.), and derived PlayerCharacter and NonPlayerCharacter controllers.

The PlayerCharacter is actually fairly easy - it needs an InputComponent (so it can sink events from input devices like joysticks, keyboard, mouse, etc.) which drives its base CharacterController methods.

The Non-Player-Character controller is driven by Artificial Intelligence - I'm using Behavior Trees to control general behavior, and I am now working on a hybrid NavMesh-Meets-Pathfinding solver which initially takes in a Triangle Soup and supports markups.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

What's New?

It's been a while since my last post, however, development is far from stagnant!
Unfortunately, I lost my internet access for a while there, during which I've been keeping a Development Journal, which I expect to also publish in due course.

So, what's been happening with the FireStorm DOD-ECS fork?

Support for Deferred Lighting was advanced a long way - including 'omni-directional' shadows for any number of input lights.

Support for GPU-Skinned Bone-Animated Meshes was added some time ago, and since then, work has been directed toward fusing two bodies of work: skeletal animation, and ragdoll physics.
The goal is to produce a hybrid of the two techniques with respect to a given model.

The implementation of skinned meshes is sophisticated, but credit where it's due, the architecture was based loosely on Microsoft's ID3DXSkinMesh controller thingy. Basically, we have an Asset object, which is our Mesh - it may optionally reference a Skeleton object, which is the container for any Animation keyframe data as well as the Bone Hierarchy that they usually drive.
The Mesh, and its Skeleton, are an Asset - if we create an Entity (instance) from such a Mesh, the resulting EntityID will have an associated AnimationController Component, which really is what represents our Instance from FireStorm's point of view.
We can use that component to play animations, initiate animation transitions, set up complex mixtures of animations, play complex blended sequences of animations, and more.
Each instance of a Skinned Mesh is represented by its AnimationController, and multiple Skinned Mesh instances may reference the same Mesh Asset, and can safely update independently, since no Skeleton or Mesh is affected by Updating a Controller.

Here's a few images from recent development, this one shows a SpotLight interacting within a scene that is otherwise lit by a much larger (green) point light.

The same scene, but up closer, and with some other settings changed - the floor texture here is bump mapped (probably not a great example, but hey, its coder art)

Here's a skinned mesh with a ragdoll attached to it, the ragdoll is being driven by the animated bones (which are not shown), the first half of the skinned mesh to ragdoll connection is complete.