Thursday, 16 July 2015

FireStorm ECS -> RenderGraph

The ultimate aims of the FireStorm ECS are those of any game system: apply behavioral logic, determine what is visible (and implicitly, what isn't), and draw visible stuff to some target surface, using some shader, some camera view and projection, etc.

When we reach the RenderableSystem, we have reached the end of the ECS mechanism: renderables which are visible to some camera will issue a draw request to some draw target.

FireStorm implements a RenderGraph which represents the high-level scene composition tree in terms of RenderTarget Surfaces (FBOs in GL speak) and defines how they are connected.
The RenderGraph can be visualized as a 'reverse tree', where the 'root node' represents the final output to the Screen, while every other 'RenderNode' is a FrameBuffer Object. This arrangement is close to what happens when we 'compose' our scene using multiple rendering stages via arbitrary control logic, and models what we actually want to express as graphics programmers (in my humble opinion) - how each target texture is to be rendered, and how they chain together to form the final image. This is non trivial due to Multiple Render Target technology, and in my opinion is best and most cleanly described in graph terms. Others may hold different opinions, please, chime in!

Please note again, the RenderGraph is *not* part of the ECS, it's not a Component or a System, not everything needs to fit inside the ECS.

The ECS RenderingSystem emits 'virtual draw requests' to specific nodes of the RenderGraph, they are sorted, batched and collected as Messages, awaiting final draw processing, which is realized through 'recursion return'. As usual, it can be multithreaded fairly easily, up to this point.

When it's time to draw the frame, the RenderGraph itself is recursed by the MAIN PROCESS THREAD, which owns the ONLY RENDER CONTEXT.
We start at the output node (the tree root), recurse the tree as we normally might, but only process the Messages captured by each RenderNode as we are RETURNING from recursion.
This ensures that Child rendertarget nodes are drawn ahead of Parent nodes who depend on them (this is a reverse tree remember? the root node is the final output...)

By processing each node only *after* recursing its children, we end up rendering to our rendertargets in such an order that any target surface is always ready for use as an input texture to a higher-order node (where 'higher order' means 'closer to the root node, which is final output')

RenderNodes are containers for render surfaces (output textures, MRT supported), but they are also containers for ShaderPasses. In order to draw a RenderNode, we execute its ShaderPasses. Renderables subscribe to specific Passes via a binary key, so we can draw some things in some passes, and not in others, to a specific surface, and as we've learned, with a specific camera.

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