Saturday, 11 July 2015

Sparse Arrays meets Parented Transforms: so long, SceneGraph!

FireStorm Systems are derived from an Object Pooling Template.
In simple terms, that means each System stores a specific kind of Data, and we only have one instance of each System - they are effectively singletons.

The base pooling template class implements a custom memory allocator that is very fast for things we create and delete frequently (plain structs, or object classes, both are fine), it allocates a small, flat array of space under the hood, and manages this space in terms of allocated and unallocated space, until forced to grow.
When objects are deleted from a pool, they don't move automatically, they are marked as dead, and their index is stored on a list of 'dead stuff' that is also used as a first option when objects are created.
This is called an object recycling pool mechanism, and it's much faster than your operating system's heap allocator, which can't make guesses about the size of the objects being stored.

So, when we create a new object in a pool, the index of the new or recycled slot is returned.
The new element is identified uniquely by the combination of the pool it lives in (its type), and the index it resides at (its local ID).

This is fine until we start deleting things, or swap things around...
At this point, we create 'holes' in our pool's underlying array space, which although unsightly, they might not present a bother to the cpu cache, and we could in most cases, forgive that they exist.
But some systems like to sort components, or want their components sorted, or maybe we just occasionally want to defragment our pools (eliminate the holes in the arrays), potentially allowing us to dynamically adjust our memory footprint within practical reason.

Transforms are a good example case: we will want our TransformSystem to ensure that our TransformComponents are sorted such that any component that has a parent transform, well, we want the Parent element to  appear earlier in the flat array than any of its children - this allows us to get rid of the SceneGraph!
Modifying a SceneGraph becomes simply a matter of modifying the parenting of specific components of a specific system, and the details can be hidden to leave the impression of a conventional OOP scenegraph as far as the user can tell, while still taking full advantage of the hardware and composition benefits that DOD-ECS has to offer.
Once we've sorted our Transforms according to the rule "parents must appear earlier than children", we can linearly process them, there's no need for graph recursion.

In a nutshell: when the TransformSystem is updated, it performs a special kind of bubble-sort pass over the TransformComponents it manages: for each transform component, we check if the component has a parent - if not, we can move on. If it has a parent, we check if the parent is stored at a higher index, and if so, we swap the components in-situ, causing their component ids to be swapped as well, and then we repeat the compare step apon the current transform component, which now holds the parent transform (we're checking if the parent has a parent, and if that parent is at a higher index...) This algorithm has the effect of moving parent nodes to earlier array slot indices.

Defragmenting of component pools is performed similarly, but using a different comparison rule.
In order to defragment a component pool, we iterate the slot indices 'forwards', looking for 'dead' elements, and simultaneously, we iterate the slot indices 'backwards', looking for 'live' elements.
Each time we discover a dead element, we swap it for a living element with the highest known index.
In this way, living elements are moved toward the beginning of the array, while dead elements are moved toward the end of the array. When the operation is complete, there is an opportunity to compact the array to dynamically reduce the memory footprint, if there are more dead elements than live ones (I use a grow/shrink factor of 2).

EDIT (16 July) - I'm looking at the possibility of moving the Sort operation into attach and detach methods, leaving the Update operation to just deal with updating subtrees of transforms that are marked as dirty. It's not a scenegraph, I swear!, but it has similarities with respect to hierarchical transforms - the fundamentals are still the same, but the recursion is gone.

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