Friday, 11 September 2015

Light Components: High numbers of dynamic lights, GPU-Instancing of Multiple Light Volumes in a Deferred Shader

Lighting has been implemented in FireStorm as a Component - any Entity that supports Frustum Culling (i.e. has a Cullable Component) may also have a Light component, and therefore, any cullable entity can potentially be a light-caster.
The Light component adopts the Transform of its owner Entity, which means that light will appear to be cast from the origin of said Entity - if you wish to offset the transform of a light (for example, to position a headlight on the front of a vehicle), you'll need to create a separate (and likely more simple) entity for such a light, and use Transform Parenting to attach the light entity to its parent.
Both pointlights and spotlights are supported, while directional lighting is handled separately (FireStorm only supports one Directional light, but any number of Spot or Point lights).

Not everything in a game engine should necessarily be a Component, however there was a good reason behind the decision to implement Lights as components of entities - assuming there are a high number of possibly dynamic light sources in the game world, we'd like to cull the lights that have no effect on the rendered scene, which is easy if we treat them as cullable entities, given that a mechanism for performing visibility queries had already been implemented: FireStorm uses a Dynamic AABB Tree to track the spatial relationship of all entities in the game world, and uses this structure to accelerate camera visibility queries - while collecting the list of Renderable entities which intersect the camera's view frustum (our list of stuff to draw), we can also collect a separate list of Light-Caster entities which will be applied via deferred-shading, and a subset of which may also be applied during shadow-casting passes.

FireStorm's new render pipe leverages several features of modern (GL3+) graphics cards - Deferred Shading is implemented via Multiple RenderTargets (MRT), Deferred Lighting is implemented via GPU-Instancing in tandem with Stencil-Rejection, and work has begun on some new Shadow-Casting technology.

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