So today was an interesting day.
I finally had a use-case for keeping Materials by (16-bit) ID, rather than by Pointer.
Although one does not necessarily exclude the other, I was not able to boil down a 'pure pointer' (as allocated by the 'new' operator) into a flat index into my global Materials container, since that container was based on STL map. Basically, my Material class was one of a number of 'self-managing' classes, that provided its own static map, and managed that map internally.
Component Systems are all being based on a (templated) class called ObjectPool - it's how Systems internally manage their data elements (or class objects), the ObjectPool class provides its own 'placement new' based allocation scheme, as well as code to convert between flat indices and pointers.
Changing my global Materials container from STL's map template to my own ObjectPool-based container was not problematic, but it did require that I code up support for STL-LIKE iterators for my ObjectPool implementations. That was actually kind of fun, and productive, my Materials are now sure to occupy contiguous flat memory addresses, and can be referenced at runtime by their ID, which can be stored using less bits than a Pointer (4 times less on a 64 bit system), but is effectively just as fast to access.
More interesting and potentially valuable, the template that powers ECS Systems now supports forwards-iteration of the active Components in any System.
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